How can I feel beautiful during my pregnancy?

How can I limit the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy?
Pregnancy pushes your body – and especially your skin – to its limits. That’s why stretch marks often go hand in hand with pregnancy, as your body expands to accommodate a beautiful new life. We believe stretch marks are beautiful, and we encourage mothers to embrace them. They are a sign and memory of your resilience and your journey to motherhood.
While you can’t prevent stretch marks from forming, regularly soothing and nourishing your bump with a pregnancy cream is the best way to help reduce their appearance.
Because the keys to limiting stretch marks during pregnancy are hydration and the maintenance of your skin’s elasticity, we also recommend using

Is there a way to exfoliate safely during pregnancy?
Yes! Exfoliation prenatal is recommended to promote cell renewal and to keep your skin supple. If you do use a body scrub while pregnant, we also strongly suggest following with a body treatment oil, to maintain your skin’s elasticity and avoid any uncomfortable tight feeling. Gentle exfoliation can also help stretch mark treatments to work more effectively, like our
Choose a body scrub that is moisturising, not too harsh on the skin and without too many active ingredients.

How do I avoid tired legs during pregnancy?
Tired legs in pregnancy can be experienced due to the changes in your body, like hormonal changes. Poor blood circulation can often lead to a feeling of heaviness or swelling in the legs.
Try the following to combat tired legs during pregnancy:
• When seated or lying down, prop your legs up on a cushion to improve blood circulation
• Opt for showers over baths
• Finish your shower with a blast of cool water from your ankles to hips
• To combat water retention, massage a body oil (like our
• Keep our
While it’s best to avoid anything too strenuous, gentle activities such as walking or swimming are perfect for boosting your circulation too. Regular exercise while pregnant is great for relieving stress and carving out some dedicated time for yourself. Before undertaking any exercise, always make sure to consult with your doctor first.

How do I treat my dull, dry skin during pregnancy?
Looking for a pregnancy skincare routine? There’s no one-size-fits-all routine, but when pregnant, try switching your skincare to more hydrating and nourishing products. The Hydra-Essentiel range contains organic leaf of life extract which triggers the skin’s natural hydration systems, making your skin more soft and supple in the long-term. The following is a great example of a deeply hydrating routine:
• After cleansing in the morning and at night, gently pat and massage in the
• Depending on your skin type, follow up with the
• In the AM, always finish with an SPF to help prevent hyperpigmentation
A change in hormone production can severely affect the hydration levels of a pregnant woman's skin, so it is so important to treat this in order to minimise discomfort during this time.
As for glow, well, when you feel radiant and beautiful, you glow from the inside out. Having a positive, loving outlook on life has enormous benefits for both yourself and your baby, so make sure you find time to pamper yourself regularly.